

Company profile


广东胜宇电缆实业有限公司(简称“胜宇”),成立于1999年9月,历经十多年稳健、高速的发展,胜宇公司已逐步形成自己独有的品牌特色,并于2004年11月,在广州市成立广州分公司(广州胜宇电缆有限公司)。 秉承一切以用户价值为依归的经营理念,胜宇不断超越自我。一方面,坚持数量与质量并重。不仅产品型号种类覆盖率在同业界****,部分地区市场占有率甚至高达88%,同时也注重用先进的设备、规范的管理保障数以亿计用户的用电安全。基于此,胜宇成为各类工程指定**品牌;另一方面,坚持自主创新。目前,胜宇60%以上员工为研发型技术人员,在新产品的研发创新中投入大量人力物力,并在广州分公司成立专门的研发部门,发挥研究开发功能,确保**基础技术、开发高效能新特产品、为把效益增加到比较大限度节省成本,使产品更环保、安全和健康。 古训云“达则兼济天下”,强烈的社会责任感督促胜宇积极承担企业社会责任。胜宇电缆追求实现与环境和谐发展,立志发展成为在环保、安全、健康方面**的企业。为与下一代共享明亮清洁的环境,严格遵守相关法规和规定,通过技术革新开发环保材料,为人类和大自然共同生存做出贡献。 Guangdong Sheng Yu Cable Co., Ltd. ("Sheng-yu") was established in September 1999, after ten years of steady, high-speed development, Sheng-yu has gradually established unique brand characteristics. Besides, the company set up its Guangzhou branch (namely Guangzhou Sheng Yu Cable Co., Ltd )in November 2004. Upholding the value of user`s business philosophy, Sheng-yu constantly seek self-exceeding.Sheng-yu adheres to both quantity and quality. Not only being industry leader in terms of product types so that its market share in some areas reaches 88%, but also using most advanced equipment accompany with systematic management procedure to protect hundreds millions of users for their safety. Because of this, Sheng-yu became specified brand for various projects and buildings. On the other hand, we focus on innovation. Currently, more than 60% of Sheng-yu employees are in research and development department. We invested huge human and material resources in product innovation, and set up R & D department in Guangzhou branch to ensure core technology, develop high-performance new and special products, maximize the effectiveness of cost savings and enhance our products are environmentally friendly, safe and healthy. Our ancestors told us: care the world while you are better off, a strong sense of social responsibility urged Sheng-yu.Sheng Yu cable pursuit of the harmonious development with the environment, headed to become a leader in environmental friendly, safe and healthy aspect. In order to share with the next generation of bright and clean environment, we strictly comply with relevant legal requirements and regulations and develop environmental friendly materials through technological innovation. Sheng-yu will try our best for the survival of humanity and contribute to the nature.
